The Halloween Prank Page 3
Mini Comic Mango fear Mini Comic Mango fear

The Halloween Prank Page 3

Uh Oh, their in trouble. That's it! that's the last page, who know maybe sometime down the road ill come back and make an actual story around them but for now this was just a fun little thing. It was originally for a contest that I didnt make the deadline for. But I wanted to finish it and thought it would be fun to try something different. Hope you enjoyed <3 <3<3

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The Halloween Prank Page 2
Mini Comic Mango fear Mini Comic Mango fear

The Halloween Prank Page 2

Jasmine could actually outrun that "thing" but its Elanie's older sister protection mode. Also I'm sure no one will read this on the day I post this but.... its my birthday :p

So a very happy bday to me ^.^

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Danny Character Sheet
Other Fun Stuff Mango fear Other Fun Stuff Mango fear

Danny Character Sheet

This is Danny ^.^ I think he they are the only one in the comic that doesn't get their name said out loud so I thought I would introduce them first. I'll be honest these characters don't have much depth to them but I do have some little tid bits for them all. Danny is cool headed, doesn't like to talk much except with his friends, and loves video games.

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The Halloween Prank (A Mini Comic) Page 1
Mini Comic Mango fear Mini Comic Mango fear

The Halloween Prank (A Mini Comic) Page 1

This is a little mini comic I worked on ^.^ it was supposed to be for a fun little contest but I definitely over-estimated my ability a little bit. But I wanted to actually finish it and share it with all of you! There are only 3 pages but I also wanted to share some of the character sheets I made as well. Enjoy~!

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News And Updates!
Mango fear Mango fear

News And Updates!

Some updates on how the next month or so is going to look for me and how that will effect the regular updates. Along with a new project ill be working on in the very near future.

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Bouquet Page 18
Bouquet Mango fear Bouquet Mango fear

Bouquet Page 18

I definitely tried some new things in this update. Some worked…. aaaand some didn’t, but that’s okay. I also imagine these two have been beefing all year XD

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Bouquet Page 17
Mango fear Mango fear

Bouquet Page 17

Jamie's sarcasm mode: Activated. Good luck with that one Mrs. Shrieder, Mr. Anderson triiiied to stop you but you just didn't wanna listen smh. Also side note, I didnt realize till like just now, and im too lazy to fix it, but since she is a Mrs. she would have a heart flower tattoo on her wrist. Now I could just change the spelling and make her not married but I've always got the vibe from her that she's married so we are going to keep it that way, I'll just try to remember in future panels however tbh after this scene we don't see her much. (Oh no lol)

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Bouquet Page 15
Mango fear Mango fear

Bouquet Page 15

No! Just leave the boys alone please! We pulling all the stop signs out now I love how this page turned out! Sorry if I say this every episode but visibly seeing the improvement is an amazing feeling. I know we are no where near perfect yet but knowing we are going in a better direction is just amazing.

Ghost really went all out with this background this time and I'm excited to keep making more. Like I said in the update, now that they have graduated from highschool they will have more time to help me out, and since i'm working from home more now I will be able to work on the comic more.

I know I've promised you guys in the past but now that I actually have some breathing room in my schedule I'll be able to keep up with regular updates, we are going to start with 1 update every 2 weeks.

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Bouquet Page 14
Bouquet Mango fear Bouquet Mango fear

Bouquet Page 14

We are officially transferred from sai to clip studio! I'm excited because these newer pages are looking so great and I cant wait to share them with you!! I don't know how well I portrayed it but does anyone know what Jamie's heart flower is? 0.0

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Update! And some news~
Mango fear Mango fear

Update! And some news~

Some updates about my Bouquet comic! and some news about new products I’ll be putting in my store ;)

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Bouquet Page 13
Bouquet Mango fear Bouquet Mango fear

Bouquet Page 13

I love drawing these boys and I love that the whole page starts to look better and better it just makes me so happy ^.^ I'm also very sorry about how little I've been posting but I really am hoping ill be able to post more frequently soon (I hope)

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Bouquet Page 12
Bouquet Mango fear Bouquet Mango fear

Bouquet Page 12

Ya'll he did it! he mustered up enough courage to ask him!! also I am going to apologize in advance but i recently switched over to using clip studio instead of paint tool sai so the next update is going to look different but hopefully for the better

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Bouquet Page 11
Bouquet Mango fear Bouquet Mango fear

Bouquet Page 11

Gay Panic ~~ ACTIVATE!!! Well if you want to be technical Damien's gay panic is almost always activated so really it just intensifies. I also apologize for the random hiatus without notice a lot of life stuff happened all at once so it was hard to work on the story, but I am back and you should expect more regular-ish updates.

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Bouquet Page 10
Bouquet Mango fear Bouquet Mango fear

Bouquet Page 10

My poor Damien is just a nervous wreck, he wishes that these thing were easier. But unfortunately confessing your feelings does not get easier. I am also very proud of this hand! my boyfriend actually posed for me so that helped out a lot XD

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Bouquet Page 8
Bouquet Mango fear Bouquet Mango fear

Bouquet Page 8

I feel bad for the kids who have to sit in between these two, they don't get along very well and this happens a lot. Needless to say their reflexes are on point.

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